Local Market Stats

Welcome to the OMDREB Local Market Stats archive.

It is here you will find the up-to-date and past statistics of the Oakville and Milton areas. These comprehensive stats on our local communities can help you make informed real estate decisions.

Avg. Price of Single-Family Homes (Dec)
Avg. Price of Townhouses/Condos (Dec)
Avg. Number of Days on the Market until Sale (Dec)
Total Number of New Listings (Dec)

It is OMDREB’s goal to continue to open doors for our members and our local communities.

OMDREB strives to maintain our ongoing objective by educating, while supporting REALTORS®, and local community members who are needing assistance during the home buying, selling or renting process. We realize that buying a home is a major investment and can be intimidating for a lot of people. One way to help relieve some of the stress of buying a home is to become informed about the evolving real estate industry.

Within the Local Stats Archive below, we have monthly statistics ranging back to 2020. This will allow you to see the current market, but also how the market has shifted since the Pandemic. If you are planning on buying, selling or renting a property, and need assistance, you can find and OMDREB REALTOR® here.