For families who are grieving a death, the loss is life-changing, the implications far reaching. The Lighthouse Program for Grieving Children offers children, youth, and their families a place to receive free grief support and to connect with others on a similar journey. They need time, space, and understanding as they try to cope with their pain and readjust to a life forever changed. Lighthouse offers a community of understanding at a time when families are at their most vulnerable.
When a child or youth experience the death of a parent or sibling, it changes their life and their world view. Grief, for them, is not an event, it is a lifelong process. Children and youth will grieve and re-grieve with each age and stage of development, at different milestones and significant life events. Lighthouse helps them to understand their grief, acknowledges their pain and allows for the expression of their feelings and exploration of their experiences.
For more information visit https://lighthousegriefsupport.org